(Photo: J. Boike) Electro-resistivity measurements with the geophysics team from Novosibirsk.Tuesday, 12th of August 2014
Today we have got an expedition from the Institute of Petroleum-Gas Geology and Geophysics
from Novosibirsk.
The Samoylov Research Station belongs to this institute. When I was walking towards the arrived helicopter, I thought –of course not serious- maybe I have a chance to meet someone I know from the past, because I studied in Novosibirsk.
Could you imagine my feeling when I saw a friend from my early student times coming out from the helicopter?!
That was absolutely surprising and first hours I could not believe it is real! We did not know about each other for many years, and now met on the tiny island in the huge Arctic!
(Photo: Photo: S. Antonova) My friend Leonid :)So they are 4 PhD students team including my friend and 2 senior scientists – Igor Yeltsov and Vladimir Kashirtsev – both deputy directors for the science in the Institute.
The guys are supposed to do some geophysical measurements in the Delta.
Julia said they came like a dream, from the heaven – she always wanted to do geophysics here.
So a few next days they spent here, on Samoylov, preparing for their field trip to some parts of the Delta to the North from Samoylov.
And we used this opportunity to make some measurements with their equipment. For instance, we made an electro-resistivity test on the lake shore including some water surface.
This allows us to estimate the thawing depth and the structure of the permafrost.
Ideally we would like to register taliks (unfrozen inclusion under the lakes), but the cable had not enough length to make a full cross section over the lake.
Written by Sofia
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