Before the world's last woolly mammoth took its final breath, the iconic animals had already suffered from a considerable loss of genetic diversity. These findings were made in the first ever publication of the full DNA sequence of the extinct[…]
Effiziente Schalter mit hohem Energiesparpotenzial
TUWIEN: NewsApr 24, 2015
Im Rahmen eines 5.6 Millionen Euro schweren EU-Projekts unter Beteiligung der TU Wien und österreichischen Industriepartnern ist es gelungen, Leistungsschalter auf Galliumnitrid-Basis zu entwickeln. Als Schlüsselbauelement für Energiewandler, die in nahezu jedem elektronischen Gerät zu finden sind, versprechen die neuen[…]
London Marathon Forecast
Met Office News ReleasesApr 24, 2015
24 April 2015 - Sunday 26 April sees the 35th London Marathon, and with a change in the weather coming this weekend, it looks likely that the event will see some rather unsettled conditions.
Informations-Mail 01_2015 der Quästur
TUWIEN: NewsApr 24, 2015
9th Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting to start today
Arcticportal NewsApr 24, 2015
The ninth Ministerial meeting of the Arctic Council starts today and it will mark the end of Canada's Chairmanship and the start of the US Chairmanship. As the first AC Ministerial Meeting, held in 1998, it will take place again[…]