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PAGE21 Project Coordination

The PAGE21 project has a management structure that takes account the complexity of the project, as well as its size and ambition. The management approach is efficient and allows rapid and coherent decision-making process with proactive participation of all partners. The management structure is streamlined and efficient, and involves the sharing of responsibilities in both vertical and horizontal directions.
The project is divided into three broad fields of activity: Field Measurement Activities (FMA), Integration & Modelling Activities (IMA), and Data Processing & Dissemination Activities (DDA). The WP leaders supervise the process flow and work closely with the Activity Coordinators and the Project Office in order to achieve the scientific and technological objectives.
The Project Coordinator is the intermediary between the European Commission and the consortium in all matters. The Coordinator is responsible for the technical, financial, and administrative management of the project on a day-to-day basis and is supported in these activities by the Project Office.
The General Assembly is the main decision-making body within the project. It consist of representatives (Principal Investigators) from all 18 participants in the project. Its main role is to oversee the scientific strategy for all aspects of observation, data integration and modelling activities.
The Executive Committee supervises the overall progress of the project. It is represented by the Activity Coordinators, the head of the Station & Transnational Forum, a representative from the Scientific Advisory Board, the WP Leaders (on request), and the Project Coordinator. The Executive Committee prepares decisions concerning every aspect of the project: technical, financial, scheduling, partnerships, dissemination, and exploitation.
In addition, specific committees such as a Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) and a Station & Transnational Forum (STF) are established to address important issues within the project.
Man chartPAGE21 Management Chart