Dr. Vladimir Romanovsky is a Professor in Geophysics at the Geophysical Institute and the Department of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. He also heads the Geophysical Institute Permafrost Laboratory.
His work involves internationally coordinated research on permafrost temperature changes in Alaska, Russia, Canada, Greenland, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia. He is also involved in numerical modeling of past, present and future permafrost dynamics and the remote sensing of permafrost and periglacial processes.
Vladimir's research interests include the scientific and practical aspects of environmental and engineering problems involving ice and permafrost. These include problems in the areas of soil physics, thermodynamics, heat and mass flow, and growth and decay processes that are associated with permafrost, subsea permafrost, seasonally frozen ground, and seasonal snow cover.
Vladimir is the author of 130+ refereed journal publications, many reports, and book chapters. He was a co-author of ACIA 2005 for Chapter 6 "Cryosphere and Hydrology" and the lead author of the Chapter 7 "Frozen Ground" in UNEP 2007 Global Outlook for Ice and Snow and the Chapter on Permafrost in SWIPA.
Dr. Romanovsky received his MSc. in Geophysics, MSc. in Mathematics and Ph.D. in Geology from the Moscow State University in Russia. He also received Ph.D. in Geophysics from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. He had several research and teaching positions at the Moscow State University. He moved to Alaska in 1992 and is currently a professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Dominique Raynard is an emeritus CNRS research director at Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l'Environnement at the Université Joseph Fourie in Grenoble.
He has a license in Physical Sciences from Paris University, 1964, Doctorate de spécialité in Geophysics, also from Paris University, 1966 and a PhD in Physical Sciences from Grenoble University, 1976.
He is a Review editor for the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) 5th assessment report, Chair of the EGU Hans Oeschger Medal committee and member of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), International Glaciological Society (IGS), Scientific Committee of the Alpine center for natural risks (France) and the Executive Committee of the Ars Cuttoli Foundation (Fondation de France).
He has published 140 publications in International peer reviewed Journals, including 35 publications in Nature and Science. He has published also more than 50 other publications, including 2 books : Planète Blanche, Odile Jacob editor, Paris, 2008 (with Jean Jouzel and C. Lorius). An updated and english version of the book is now in press : The White Planet : The Evolution and Future of our Frozen World, Princeton University Press, Princeton (USA).