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- Created on Friday, 04 August 2017 13:04
Policy paper for the project page21
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- Created on Thursday, 05 November 2015 10:02
The PAGE21 project has now been officially closed.
The four years of research came to an end on October 31 2015, leaving only the final reporting towards to the EC for the next two months.
The project reached its scientific goals and has been successful in facilitating new inter-disciplinary cooperation between the permafrost field researchers and the climate modelling community in order to better incorporate permafrost physical features in to the global climate models.
Below some images from the final general assembly in Akureyri, Iceland.
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- Created on Tuesday, 20 October 2015 19:38

PAGE21 project was featured in a plenary session "Permafrost in the 21st century" at the 2015 Arctic Circle conference in Reykjavik, Iceland.
The Arctic Circle is designed to increase participation in Arctic dialogue and strengthen the international focus on the future of the Arctic.
The annual Arctic Circle Assembly has become the largest international gathering discussing Arctic issues, with 1900 participants in the 2015 Assembly from over 50 countries.
The permafrost plenary session was a contribution to the discussion on the climate change drivers and future implications of permafrost thaw.
Plenary speakers were PAGE21 co-coordinators Hugues Lantuit and Julia Boike (AWI) and Sarah Chadburn (Univ. Exeter). The session was chaired by Sue Natali from Woods Hole Research Center in Massachusetts, US.
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- Created on Thursday, 15 October 2015 09:10
The PAGE21 consortium convened during the past week in Akureyri, Iceland for the final annual general assembly to discuss the outcomes of the project and the ways forward.
After four years of intensive work the three disciplines of the project; field measurements, remote sensing and climate modelling are ingaging in fruitful inter-disciplinary discussions and paper writing.
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- Created on Thursday, 15 October 2015 09:33
The 2nd GTN-P National Correspondents Workshop, held in Quebec, Canada, 19-20 September 2015, accomplished the data policy and citation of the GTN-P datasets on global scale. The database contains permafrost temperature and active layer thickness data which are ready - for the first time - in quality-checked, standardised and model-ready formats. GTN-P will present the first comprehensive report on the thermal state of permafrost coming out of this data collection at the ICOP2016 in Potsdam.
More information on GTN-P can be found at gtnp.arcticportal.org