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PAGE21 Researcher Profiles: Shushi Peng

Representing the modeler side of the permafrost research we present this week Shushi Peng from the Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l'Environnement (LGGE)/Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE/IPSL) in France.

NameDSC 2209 croppedShushi Peng at the 2012 PAGE21 General Assembly in Hamburg, Germany. Photo by Alfred Wegener Institute.

Shushi PENG


Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l'Environnement (LGGE)/Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE/IPSL), France



Research Field

At current stage, I focus on (1) developing thermokarst module in the high latitude version of ORCHIDEE and (2) determining the biogeochemical and biogeophysical feedbacks from permafrost regions (carbon dioxide, methane emissions, open water surface extend/shrink) in the context of warming using coupled models.

How is your reserach affiliated with the PAGE21 project?

I work on WP6 within PAGE21 project, and do the historical simulations and future projection using ORCHIDEE.

What is the current challenge within this topic?

The processes/mechanisms of changes in thermokarst in the physical world are not fully investigated and spatial map of thermokarst for continental scale study is limited. We should find some solutions to incorporate the known processes or some empirical statistic relationships into land surface model.

How did it happen that you became a researcher?

When I was a PhD student in Department of Ecology, Peking University, I was attracted by modeling complex physical world. After I finished my PhD, I went to LGGE/LSCE to continue the modeling work involving one of the most interesting topics in global change.

Why do you like being the researcher?

I like the feelings when the sparking ideas emerge.

What do you like most in being a researcher?

Spark ideas and beautiful solutions for questions.

peng shushi smallShushi at the office. Photo by Shushi Peng.How does a typical working day look like?

Stay in office, write codes, read papers, discuss with colleagues...

Funniest response ever when you told somebody that you are a "polar researcher"?

I have not told anybody I am a "polar researcher" yet. But I can test next time.

What are the specific challenges for modelers?

The physical world is too too complex.

What are your plans for the upcoming three / five years?

Keep on doing science.

What are the challenges in cooperating with the field people?

There are maybe no specific challenges, but the modeling researchers should go to the field to feel the real physical world.