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2nd Circular now out for the "Global Warming and the Human-Nature Dimension in Siberia" Conference

Second circular 

2nd International Conference 

Global Warming and the Human - Nature Dimension in Siberia: 

Social Adaptation to the Changes of the Terrestrial Ecosystem, 

with an Emphasis on Water Environments 

Yakutsk , Russia , 8 - 1 1 October , 2013 
To be held and co-organized with the 

7th Annual International Workshop 

C/H2O/Energy balance and climate over boreal and arctic regions 

with special emphasis on eastern Eurasia 



Global warming will likely transform Siberian environments. Early evidence indicates that carbon and hydrologic cycles are undergoing rapid change, with potentially grave impact s on Siberian flora and fauna. Human populations, which have adapted to great changes in social structure and environment in the past, will be forced to adapt again, but in this case to an unprecedented sequence of cascading environmental changes. 
In 2013 we commemorate 60 years since starting field experimental works at the scientific station "Spasskaya Pad" of IBPC SD RAS. At present, the station is rightfully considered to be a regional research outpost on the study of environmental and global climate changes in the cryolithzone. 
This conference will examine three aspects of climate-related environmental change: 1) current and likely future variations in water and carbon cycles ; 2) ongoing field observations and modeling studies of the effects of carbon and hydrologic variability in Eastern Siberian landscapes, and key feedbacks, exchanges and driving forces associated with these effects; and 3) the distinct social-economic impact of climate change on multi-ethnic Siberian societies , and their potential capabilities for adapt ation to projected change sin climate and terrestrial ecosystems. 
Contributions on these three aspects , or on the following key themes, are welcome .

Key themes

a) Physical and plant physiological processes of C/H2O/Energy cycles in Siberian ecosystems 
b ) Forest and tundra ecosystem structure related to C/H 2O/Energy cycles 
c ) Permafrost/cold climate processes and their impacts on C/H2O/Energy cycles 
d) Usage of satellite remote sensing technique s and the evelopment of C/H2O/Energy cycle models 
e) Interaction between wild/domesticated animals and terrestrial vegetation 
f) Vulnerabilities of landscapes, human systems, and infrastructures inpermafrost areas 
g) Ethnographic accounts of human - nature relations in conjunction with climate change 
h) Local knowledge of, adaptationstoand policies for responding to the changing climate
i) Research status, cooperative arrangements, and plans for the future 


Conference: 8-10 October 2013 (Lecture Hall, National Academy, Yakutsk and Conference Hall, IBPC)
Reception: 8 October 2013 
Excursion: 11 around Yakutsk city 


Please, register before March 30, 2013. 

Contributions to the Buy Cialis conference

-Oral presentations (20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of discussion) 
-Poster presentations: The participants should send the following information by e-mail to < This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .r">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .ru > 
a) Name:
b) Affiliation including address: 
c) Nationality: 
d) Presentation: Oral or Poster or no presentation 
e) Title of presentation (if applicable): 
f) Participation for the excursion: Yes or No 

Abstract and Proceedings 

If you intend to contribute an oral or poster presentation, please send a short abstract (max. 300 words) to the address, no later than March 30, 2013 . Proceedings the conference will be published. For the proceedings, you are requested to prepare an extended abstract (max. 4 pages) which should be submitted to the address above, no later than October 1, 2013. Formatting guidelines will bedescribed in following circulars. 


Conference : 100 USD (including coffee, tea, a reception) 
Excursion : 80 USD (including transportation fee and simple lunch) 

Travel and accommodation 

IBPC can be reached from Yakutsk International Airport, followed by local transport in Yakutsk . Accommodations will be arranged except for Russian participants . Normal hotel prices start at 43 USD for a single room .

Organizing committee  

Takeshi OHTA, GSBS, NU 
Tetsuya HIYAMA , RIHN 
Vyacheslav POPOV, SDFR 
Alexandr ISAEV, IBPC & NEFU 
Alexander FEDOROV, MPI & NEFU 

Some a bbreviations 

IBPC -  for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences ,  
IHIPN - Institute of the Humanities and the Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Russia 
MPI - Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Russia 
NEFU - North-Eastern Federal University , Russia 
RIHN - Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Japan 
FEES HU - Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University , Japan 
GSBS NU - Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Japan 
VUA - Vrie University of Amsterdam , The Netherlands WU R - Wageningen University , The Netherlands 
SCSIP - State Committee on Science and Innovation Policy of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) , Russia 
SDFR - Department of Forest Relations of the Republic of  Sakha(Yakutia ), Russia 

Contact persons for the Conference 

Dr. Trofim MAXIMOV, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
Tel /Fax : +7 (411) 233 58 97 (office) Mobile: +7 914 235 5354 
Dr. Alexander KONONOV, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  
Mobile: +7 9 1 4 2 711 998