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Dr. Annett Bartsch featured in the latest press release from TU Wien

01 Bartsch AnnettDr. Annett Bartsch.The PAGE21 Work Package 5 leader Dr.Annett Bartsch was featured in the latest press release from the Vienna University of Technology. The TU Wien is part of the newly founded Austrian Institute for Polar research, which serves as an important coordination site over Austrian international polar research programs.
Dr.Annett Bartsch at the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, analyses remotely sensed satellite data that is used to provide temperature, soil, vegetation and topography data in areas that are inaccessible for local measurements and to validate the locally collected data sets in selected accessible areas. 
In remote sensing the entire surface is scanned with microwaves. The intensity of the scattered waves reflected back to the satellite gives valuable data for example on the soil moisture or the dynamics of thermokarst lakes.
"The many small thermokarst lakes in the tundra are an important indicator of climate change," says Annett Bartsch. "In addition, the wetlands are the largest source of methane, and can have a much stronger influence on the greenhouse effect than CO2." A deep understanding on how changes in these lakes affect the methane content in the atmosphere and our climate has until now been missing.
To read the original press release (in german only), please follow this link.