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Announcement for Visiting Research Professor position

The Biogeochemistry Educational and Scientific Training Center (BEST) of North-East Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov (NEFU), Yakutsk, Russia, is seeking for individual candidates for the position of a Visiting Research Professor for 2014-2015 academic sessions.
Expected qualifications include:

1) PhD with 5+ years of post-doctoral experience in general biology, ecology or Earth sciences;
2) Skilled in reading lectures of below-mentioned disciplines with a particular focus on using modern methods, devices and techniques;
3) Strong commitment to research, evidenced by peer-review publication productivity;
4) English proficiency (speaking and writing), knowledge of the Russian language is a plus;
5) Russian employment eligibility required.
Terms of exemplary contract as stated below:

Affiliation: Visiting Research Professor at the Biogeochemistry Educational and Scientific Training Center (BEST) of North-East Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov (NEFU), Yakutsk, Russia;
Period of the sessions: 2014-2015;
Duration of Employment: 3 months or more;
Salary: A salary of 172,000 Russian Rubles (approx. $5,700 or €4,400) is provided on a fixed day of every month ;
Working Hours: 40 hours per week;
Number of lectures (2 academic hours each) per work period: 15-20;
Residence: The BEST Center will assist you in finding lodging (average apartment rent fee is approx. 20000 Russian Rubles);
Travel expenses and others: Air fares (economy class) or railway fares, and a daily travel allowance to Yakutsk via the most economical and usual route will be paid in Russian Rubles upon your arrival. After the expiration of the contract term with NEFU, we will pay your return fares. Note that the travel expenses will be paid if your stay in Russia covers the whole contract period (3 months or more) and you leave Russia within one month after the expiration of the contract.
Example of scheduled disciplines to be taught by the candidate:

- Biogeochemistry;- Biogeochemistry;
- Ecophysiology video blackjack online of plants;
- Biochemistry of plants;
- Permafrost sciences (e.g. geology of permafrost, glaciology etc.);
- Ecohydrology;
- Meteorology and climatology (especially land-atmosphere interactions);
- Methodology of science (especially on eddy-covariance, stable isotopes, greenhouse gases);
- Modeling and Remote sensing (specific for global climate changes).
Example of suggested particular themes of lectures:

- Analysis of the greenhouse gases dynamics in the soil profile.
- Specific character of boreal plants biochemical compounds.
- The influence of surface disturbances on the hydrothermal conditions of permafrost ecosystems.
- Factors affecting inter-annual variation of carbon fixation in boreal trees.
- Photosynthetic activity and biochemical parameters of plants.
- The study of carbon dioxide and water fluxes using the eddy covariance method.
- The reaction of the taiga forest ecosystems to environmental factors.
- The impact of global warming on permafrost in permafrost regions.
- Permafrost ecosystems in a changing climate.
- The heat balance of thawing snow surface.
- Fluxes of heat, water and carbon in various terrestrial ecosystems.
- Methane emissions from northern wetlands.
- Studies of photosynthesis in order to understand the ecosystem – why do we measure leaf photosynthesis?
- Role of continental climate of northern Eurasia in the global organic carbon cycle.
- Modern global environmental problems.
NOTICE! Your passport must have a valid visa (Status of residence Professor) issued by an official granting institution. Your legal status may need additional paperwork when being employed at North-East Federal University.
Please submit preliminary application materials (CV and Statement of Research Interests, see Appendix) to Director of BEST Center of NEFU: Trofim Chr. MAXIMOV, Dr. of Sci., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please, do not hesitate to contact Mr. Maximov (Spasskaya Pad and Kytalyk stations), Director of BEST Center, if you have any questions or concerns, by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.