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Call for funded IPA Action Group applications

(Logo: International Permafrost Association) (Logo: International Permafrost Association) The IPA is pleased to introduce a call for funded Action Groups.

ActionGroups are meant to fund targeted groups working towards the production of well-defined products. Action Groups will be funded on a competitive basisat up to 2500 € per year (maximum of 5000 € over the life of an Action Group).
Up to 10 000 € per year of the IPA total budget will be devoted to Action Groups. These groups will have limited terms and will need to focus on clearly defined research outputs, such as maps, science plans, or databases, that can be supported through the organization of workshops, management support, technical support, etc.

The application form is available online. The first deadline for Action Group proposals will be April 15, 2014.

The application process requires the demonstration of a clear timeline and clear deliverables for the Action Group. It also calls for the involvement of young researchers and a commitment to disseminate results.
Do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat of the IPA for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .