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Data Output Catalogue released

PAGE21 icon outputcatThe team of PAGE21 WP 8 has just released P-DOC – the PAGE21 Data Output Catalogue.
The P – DOC is primarily addressed to the PAGE21 consortium to facilitate the exchange of data and information between and within the different work - packages.
The PAGE21 Data Output Catalogue is an aggregate form of all the PAGE21 data that are stored in other data repositories, such as GTN-P, PANGAEA or the European Flux Database.
Why didn't we just put all data in only one repository? Each of these databases has its individual advantage related to data post-processing and quality check in dependence of the particular data types.
P-DOC comprises all the different data at one place, providing DOI's, handles and other links to a broad range of datasets, reports and additional information related to the PAGE21 products.
Click here to look up the PAGE21 Data Output Catalogue.