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Vrije Universitet Amsterdam is a leader in research into the ecohydrology and greenhouse gas balance of ecosystems, within Europe and globally (past and present participation in the CarboEurope, Greencycles Marie Curie RTN, GHG Europe, ICOS and COCOS networks, TCOS Siberia). The leading scientist is Prof. A.J. Dolman who has been coordinator of CarboEurope and co-leader of the GEO Carbon Task Force.

The VUA has been active since 2002 in carbon cycle / biogeochemical research in permafrost ecosystems in Siberia (boreal forest and tundra). The research at the Kytalyk site in the north-eastern Siberia tundra is coordinated by Dr. J. van Huissteden, who has extensive experience in both carbon cycle and geomorphological research in permafrost environments, in modeling of carbon cycle and in paleoclimate rand Quaternary geology. Dr. Henk Kooi and Dr. Richard de Jeu will add expertise in the fields of (permafrost) Hydrology and Remote Sensing, respectively.

The research at the Kytalyk research site is funded by the Dutch organization of Scientific Research NWO, Darwin Center for Biogeology (Dutch consortium of biological and geoscience research groups) and Russian RFBR. The research is based on long term cooperation between VUA and the Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone SB RAS (Partner 16) in Russian Federation.

Within the PAGE21 project VUA is the leader for work package 4 (Carbon and nitrogen emissions from permafrost) and is also collaborating in the work packages 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
Luca Beleli - Marchesini has been working as a Post. Doc. within the project. Click here to see Luca´s YR profile. 


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