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Met Office Hadley Centre, United Kingdom (METO)

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The Met Office Hadley Centre (METO) is a world-leading centre that provides a focus in the United Kingdom for the scientific issues associated with climate change. The main aims of the Hadley Centre are

(1) to understand physical, chemical and biological processes within the climate system and develop state-of-the-art climate and Earth System models that represent them,

(2) to use climate models to simulate global and regional climate variability and change over the last 100 years and to predict changes over the next 100 years,

(3) to monitor global and national climate variability and change,

(4) to attribute recent changes in climate to specific factors,

(5) to understand, with the aim of predictions, the natural interannual to decadal variability of climate.

The Met Office has considerable experience in the field of climate and Earth System modelling, as well as in decadal to centennial simulations, and has made significant contributions to many European Commission funded research projects as both project leader and partner. The Met Office Hadley Centre has also made significant contributions to the successive assessment reports of the IPCC, and to WMO ozone assessment reports.


Principal Investigator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ">Chris Jones
Main Contact Person:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phone: Tel: +44 (0)1392 884231 Fax: +44 (0)1392 885681


Met Office Homepage

Project Team

   Foto Chris Jones  

Chris Jones

Head, Earth System and Mitigation
Science Team

Eleanor Burke

Senior Permafrost Scientist, model development,
model simulations and analysis as well as
Leader of the METO contribution

