The Workpackage 1 "Coordination and Outreach" is coordinated by the main beneficiary of the project, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI). The project office is located at the research unit of AWI in Potsdam.
The WP 1 is responsible for the overall coordination and management of the project as well as the public outreach. Outreach activities form a major component of the PAGE21 project; they will be directed towards the scientific community, policymakers, and address the public. Outreach activities rely on the networks of all partners involved in the project as well as on connections with the International Permafrost Association (IPA) established during the International Polar Year (IPY).
The Outreach component is conducted by the Arctic Portal in Iceland (Partner 17).
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Hans-Wolfgang Hubberten