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The PAGE21 permafrost database goes online

GTN PThis Saturday at a conference in Quebec, Canada an international research team will present the first online data portal on global permafrost.
In the Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost researchers first collect all the existing permafrost temperature and active thickness layer data from Arctic, Antarctic and mountain permafrost regions and then make it freely available for download.
This new portal can serve as an early warning system for researchers and decision-makers around the globe. A detailed description of the data collection is published today in an open access article on the Earth System Science Data portal.
The PAGE21 / GTN-P database is designed and located in the Arctic Portal in Akureyri, Iceland. The data is managed in close cooperation with the GTN-P Secretariat, which is based at the Alfred Wegener Institute’s research centre in Potsdam. The database is currently funded by the European Union (FP7-ENV-2011, Grant Agreement no. 282700) as part of the permafrost research project PAGE21.
Access the database in HERE.

New publication: Future avenues for permafrost science from the perspective of early career researchers

YR workshop all smallIn June 2014, 88 early career researchers convened to identify future priorities for permafrost research.
This multidisciplinary forum concluded that five research topics deserve greatest attention: permafrost landscape dynamics, permafrost thermal modeling, integration of traditional knowledge, spatial distribution of ground ice, and engineering issues.
To read more on the outcomes of the forum, please see here the publication at The Cryosphere.

The Future of Permafrost in a Climate-Changing World, Workshop at EGU 2015, Vienna

LogoPermafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN) together with the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) will be organizing a short course about "The future of permafrost in a climate-changing world" during the EGU 2015.
The course is open for Bachelor, Master, PhD students and post-docs and the goals are: 1) to equip young researchers with a multidisciplinary understanding of the role of permafrost in the climate system; 2) to strengthen international collaboration of early career researchers; and 3) to enable the participants to put their research into a larger context. The objective of the course is to revise recent research that concerns permafrost in a changing climate. Participants will learn about the effect of permafrost development and degradation in polar and mountain regions, and its impact on infrastructures and ecosystems under climate warming scenarios.

10h30: Introduction
10h45: Climate scenarios
11h00: Permafrost modelling during future scenarios
11h30: Landscape dynamics
11h45: Hazards and infrastructure
12h00: Discussion and closing remarks

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of PYRN and the 1st year anniversary of APECS Austria, a Social Event will be held in the evening in a Heuriger - a traditional Austrian tavern.
All workshop participants are invited for a traditional buffet. Beverages are self-payed.Time: 20h00. Location: "Zum Berger", Himmelstraße 19, A-1190 Wien.

Getting there from the city center: alternative 1) tram nr 38 from "Schottentour" to the end station "Grinzing" alternative 2) subway U4 from "Schwedenplatz" to "Heiligenstadt", change to bus 38A and get of at "Grinzing".
We hope to see many of you there!

New PAGE21 - ADAPT publication on permafrost degradation and land cover changes

RIMG0463New PAGE21 / ADAPT publication called "Assessing permafrost degradation and land cover changes (1986-2009) using remote sensing data, Umiujaq, sub-Arctic Quebec" is out. The publication is authored by Inga Beck, Ralf Ludwig, Monique Bernier, Esther Lévesque and Julia Boike.

The paper introduces results on quantification of recent land cover changes in the Umiujaq region of northern Québec, Canada

The paper is published by Wiley OnlineOpen and can be accessed online HERE.









New PAGE21 publication on remote sensing

remote sensingThere is yet another new PAGE21 related publication "Land surface temperature retrieval over circumpolar Arctic using SSM/I–SSMIS and MODIS data" authored by  Cyrille André and Catherine Ottlé from CEA together with A. Royerb and F. Maignana from Université de Sherbrooke, Canada.

The paper presents how the researchers combine passive microwave and thermal infrared data to estimate land surface temperature during summer snow-free periods over northern high latitudes.

The paper was published in "Remote Sensing of Environment" and is accessible freely on the RSE journal website until 12 April here.


