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Blog Tundra Stories: Just in time

Drilling a hole for the sensors installing. Photo by Sonya Antonova smallDrilling a hole for the sensors installing. Photo by Sonya AntonovaDear readers, at last it's time to tell you about my own work, the very important part of my PhD project.
As you know from my first stories, my plan was to install ultrasonic sensors as well as tubes for measuring surface subsidence.
We were preparing everything during a few days, and then started our trip to Kurungnakh. We had a skidoo and sledges, GPS navigator and experienced driver.
The first trip was like usual first try, and we lost one drill, because it got stuck in the frozen ground and it was not possible to take it back. It happens sometimes, so we left it there, hoping to come back later.
All in all, at that day we installed only 2 tubes for manual measurements. Then we drove back home, me - completely frozen after skidoo trip against the wind : ).
Photo by Niko Bornemann1 smallerPhoto by Niko BornemannDuring the week we were driving to Kurungnakh three times more. The spring came very suddenly, and snow was nearly completely away in two or three days. Our snowmobiles turned into tundramobiles, and guys, who were sitting in sledges, experienced all pleasures of racing through the hummocky lands.
Thanks to all guys, but especially to Niko, all stations were installed, as it was planned. That was just in time, because right after our last trip, the river ice was flooded, tundra was totally free of snow and we couldn't drive with skidoo anymore.
Mounting of sensors on the metal pole. Photo by Moritz Langer smallerMounting of sensors on the metal pole. Photo by Moritz Langer Photo by Niko Bornemann smallerPhoto by Niko Bornemann
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